2010 has been a tough year. We have witnessed the birth of a new hero or villain named Julian Assange (depending on who you talk to) Also this year has been the confirmation of Mark Zuckerberg as the new titan of personal data and the person of the year according to Times magazine (in this case also depends on who you talk to). A few days ago I have found a quote from Julian Assange where he compares himself to Mark Zuckerberg and that made me think about the Non-zero-sum and the Fuzzy Logic.

Bart Kosko through his book "The Fuzzy Future: From Society and Science to Heaven in a Chip" explains how fuzzy logic permeates the way we see the world.  "Information age is based on the binary units of information 1 and 0 or Yes and No. These on-off bits are the digital building blocks. […] Minds are not digital processors. Our concepts are fuzzy to the core and our reasoning is approximate. […] There is always a continuum of exceptions. We draw hard lines through fuzz to help manage the exceptions. This gives up accuracy for simplicity buy favors action over description. It lets us paint the world with the 1s and 0s of the digital age. The technique is quick and dirty but it often gets things done. […] The irony of the digital age is that things are fuzzier than ever. Fuzz grows as the bits pour in. […] Gray has become okay: It almost become cool. "

In a world where the future is fuzzy. I feel that the best way to keep the course is based on the Non-Zero-sum. Mathematical game theory also refers to win-win games as non-zero-sum games.
It has been theorized by Robert Wright in his book Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny, that society becomes increasingly non-zero-sum as it becomes more complex, specialized, and interdependent. As former US President Bill Clinton states: "The more complex societies get and the more complex the networks of interdependence within and beyond community and national borders get, the more people are forced in their own interests to find non-zero-sum solutions. That is, win–win solutions instead of win–lose solutions.... Because we find as our interdependence increases that, on the whole, we do better when other people do better as well — so we have to find ways that we can all win, we have to accommodate each other.... " Wired full interview.

I wish you all a Non-Zero-Sum Happy New Year!! Play Wisely!!

Sources: wikipedia; blog.hopeglory.com

Come Fly With Me: IFly Magazine

iFly Magazine by KLM is the best magazine ipad app that you can not read in your IPAD (at least natively). The just discovered it and it has been love at first sight. Design and usability combined brilliantly to create something so simple, elegant and intuitive that it is just amazing. Without detracting  the effort of publications that "jump the gap" with thier constant innovations, it is refreshing and sparkling see how to "air line branded free magazine" has this high quality. My best wishes, It has been a pleasant surprise to find IFly Magazine. Only one thing .., I can´t wait to see a new version release featuring HTML5 :)

IFly Magazine Cover

Games and Interactive cool interactive approach. 

The ad appears to us as more content which fits both our interests that seems to have been created to be located right where you see it.

Source: IFly Magazine ;  Sports Illustrated Magazine - HTML5: If you build it, They will come

Zeitgeist 2010: Year in Review

How the world searched...

View lot of more in

Fun, Good Message & Merry Xmas!!!

Christmas Carol, good advertising, humor and joy. When Scotty Iseri of scottygotanofficejob.com and Matthew Latkiewicz of zendesk.com couldn´t afford the license rights to famous Christmas songs for their upcoming web series, they enlist help from some special guests to write a Creative Commons Christmas Carol. With the participation of Lawrence Lessig (Creative Commons), Leo Laporte (Twitt.tv), Dick DeBartolo (MAD Magazine), Zadi Diaz (Epic Fu), Kevin Kelly (Wired), and Mark Frauenfelder (Make Magazine) and Cory Doctorow (Craphound.com) sang along in "A Creative Commons Christmas Carol," a freely licensed Christmas carol. Have Fun & Merry Xmas!!

If you want see lot more visit the all the webisodes at Merry Hollydays, Please Hold where Customer Service Consultant Matt Nelson will leave you astonished with his ideas about a good customer service :)

Piccadilly Circus MediaLab

Piccadilly Circus is central to London's identity with 1.1 million Londoners and tourists passing through each week. The phrase it's like Piccadilly Circus is commonly used in the UK to refer to a place or situation which is extremely busy with people. It has been said that a person who stays long enough at Piccadilly Circus will eventually bump into everyone they know, or at least now Our messages can be seen in the whole WorldWide while we interact at Piccadilly Circus CocaCola Led Screen :)

Last X-mas, when I went to London I got shocked and deeply impressed by the quality and simplicity of the McDonald's interactive outdoor campaign. It immediately become one of my favorites. And this year we have a new pleasant new. Once again the British advertising (bold, dynamic and non-conformist) surprises us again with the new Coke display.

The campaign, created by design agency Sedley Place, allows consumers to tweet their Christmas messages to the Twitter account, @cokezone. People who have their tweets displayed will receive a direct message from Coca-Cola's account and their message will be shown on the sign five minutes later. Tweets can also be viewed live on the brand’s engagement site, www.cokezone.co.uk/Piccadilly, via a webcam. The campaign runs until 23 December.

The last year McDonald's interactive campaign where passers-by were able to interact with images displayed on McDonald's giant LED screen while visitors can take an interactive role at one of London's most photographed locations. Check out the video of people playing with the ad.

Visit Flickr gallery:

Source: YouTube, Wikipedia

Batelco Infinity: Poetry in Motion

Epic, Innovative, Amazing...I have no words. Great Campaign.
Has taken a year of production and you can tell why.
Join over 128.562 fans and still counting on http://facebook.com/batelcoinfinity. Exclusive film Making-of all the scenes, interviews with the directors and VFX team and users Photo contest. I love it :)

Opting out of TSA: "Don't Touch My Junk Bro!"

It seems that in recent times, the TSA is in the eye of hurricane news. Since John Tyner said "Don´t touch my junk Bro!" a revolution has begun producing a civil movement Called "Opting out of TSA."           Although the campaign has finished 24th November Optoutday.com still Urges Passengers to opt-out of the body scanners Optoutday.com and Wewontfly.com encouraged to write Congress to let Them know how you feel about naked body scanners and intrusive pat downs. Although things seem to have cooled we should not give up and the parody from the Red vs Blue creators,  it´s a good way to do to it :)

If you want more information to clarify the options we have as passengers, please visit http://permaculture.org.au and read this great this article. This is a paragraph:   "But What sort of 'choice' is this? More importantly - what Choices Are missing here? If a passenger considers the options as They Are Presented to Them, Then, remove evidently, the choice not does have one at this point is to Not Be sexually harassed. One only gets to choose: (a) to Have a picture of your naked body taken (I assume the Majority of Passengers never Would Not Consent To That if under pressure) and stored digitally. (These days, modern events photocopiers come with hard drives record That Every document ever copied on Them - How Would Anyone so trust the TSA That not does this hold for Their scanners?) , or (b) Being Touched in a Way That Highly Inappropriate Has Been Explained at length in Many Other Places."


Why work doesn't happen at work?

Jason Fried (Basecamp) has his own radical theory of working: that the office isn't a good place to do it.  At TEDxMidwest he lays out the main problems (call them the M&Ms) and offers three suggestions to make work work.  

Source: http://www.ted.com / www.basecamphq.com

Free to read !!

Welcome to the new coupon era. It seems that we have found the Holy Grail, but make no mistake this come from far away. I want to reference Megan Geuss (@MeganGeuss) refreshing;) article published in Wired Magazine. Megan tells us how Asa Griggs Candler, who bought Coca-Cola in 1888, send thousands of free samples. With this action, Coca-Cola succeeded in 1913 with 8,500,000 redeem coupons "for free drinks." And the coupon as we know was born.

During the last year the world economy has been a mess. Europe has rescued first to Grecce and then Ireland. During this year we have gone to the cinema to see a revisionist version of Wall Street, where Gordon Gekko seems a wicked cool gentleman, compared to the Horde that has followed nowadays. An European "Orange Bank" rewards ant consumer behavior rather than being a grasshopper. Saving and buying at the best price is social highly valued. Also, if you can do it from your new iPhone 4, It´s cool!! You do not need to go far to predict the next " Online Fashion Wave"

The coupon came into our lives, in many cases associated with a struggle lowCost promotional models. But The Net has the ability to retake and redefine classical models and adapt them new needs and these processes end up creating a new model (That´s coming to be the same but without being). On 24th November, Joanna Shields the Facebook vice president for Europe, had a lecture in Madrid about Facebook with a clear focus, on the communication and advertising
value of Facebook Places.

During the last month, many people in USA have joined this trend, with the clear objective of increasing their sales during this holiday shopping. GAP is giving away 10,000 pairs of pants. The good news about this promotional model is that everyone is invited. It´s democratic so even a smaller cinema chain, as Alamo Draft House, can create It´s own online campaign by giving away a free pint glass when you check-in. (And they’ll have offers for special events for friends).

Megan Geuss, tell us that the coupon has made a smooth transition into the 21st century. I'm not really agree with her at that point, This is not a soft transition considering the rumors made public today on Mashable which leaked the rumor that Google has bought Groupon for $ 2.5 billion (Vatornews reports citing a "reliable source").

Stan Schroeder(@franticnews), editor of Mashable, analyzes the story as follows: "Groupon is one of the quickest Internet success stories in recent memory, with a $1 billion and climbing valuation, reported revenues of more than $50 million per month (the site is relatively new, having been launched in November 2008) and copycats, trying to emulate its success, sprouting nearly every day.
The acquisition, if true, makes a lot of sense for Google, giving it a wonderful opportunity to fuse Groupon deals with its local business directory, Google Places. On the other hand, for Groupon it’ll be much easier to fend off all those similar services under Google’s wing. "

Are coupons a new battlefront?

Source: Mashable / Techcrunch / Wired

The set is definitely on fire: "Scamazon Studios"

The first reactions after the presentation of Amazon Studio. Steve Greene and Michael Gallagher has launched a viral campaign: "Scamazon Studios". Before seeing the video I recommend you see the original video posted here

The "Scamazon Studios filmmakers have explained the reasons why they have done the most PUNK action of the year. It can be read it in the YouTube video. In DAILY@BOOTH ,  we have the opportunity to meet Michael Gallagher the director of Totally Sketch Show. 

From the "Scamazon Studios" filmmakers:

"Hey Guys,

So last week news broke That WAS Amazon.com Starting a "movie studio" (Amazon Studios: http://studios.amazon.com) Where They would "help" emerging filmmakers by Starting on Their new website contests for prize money and Potential making a feature film studio. Pretty cool huh? Well not so much. I Looked Closely at the fine print and watch this insane video Explanation On Their website and felt the uncontrollable urge to call bullshit on this.

I LOVE anything and Everything That Is Truly made to help Emerging filmmakers (considering I am one myself) But after looking Into this one, it has a huge number of filmmaker and Stock Issues Who Thinks That it over Would realize how bad Anyone They Are screwing over Who Enters Their script, films, etc ... So I made this video to help deal my frustration in, hopefully, a humorous light. Steve Greene and I wrote out the script and put it together.

I hope the right people at Amazon Studios see this and Are Able to make so indie filmmakers Some Changes Will not Be Heavily getting so screwed by the man!

Your Pal,
Michael Gallagher
Totally Sketch


Co-Written & Starring
Steve Greene

Co-Written & Directed by
Michael Gallagher

Follow me on DAILY BOOTH: D
http://dailybooth.com/TotallySketch "

The www.gointothestory.com has published all the implications of this decision made by Amazon Studios, as well as the emails and communications about this topic.

The video on the right is the Scamazon Studios - BLOOPERS. Don´t miss it. This guys are

On 16 November. Amazon introduces Amazon Studios.

Amazon Studios has been created with the philosophy that ... "Movies Have Been Developed pretty much the same way Since talkies Were Considered cutting-edge. But here at Amazon Studios, we believe 21st-century technology Creates Opportunities to make and share movies and scripts Easily more than ever. "
The mere declaration of principles re-opens the gap and intensifies the "not televised revolution" that this is occurring among the most innovative companies in the world. Because Amazon Studio will award with 2.7 million dollars in prizes spread over in differents annual contest for the best scripts and movies. Also all the works will be shared with a global community of filmmakers and fans and get your movie made. The goal of Amazon Studios is to work with Hollywood to turn the best projects into major feature films.

The Chancellor of the Internet, who in 1995 sold his first book - Fluid Concepts and creative analogies - and Now is currently in the midst of discussion with the publisher Penguin based in the need to lower the price of books. Amazon the company that is Currently Offering free web browsing over 3G in 100 Countries in his Kindle book-reading device.  Amazon shows daily the wisdom and mastery of 15 years of permanent transformation adapted to the evolution of the Web.

Jeff Bezos currently leading a company of 24,300 employees with revenue estimated $24 billion in revenue last year (up 26% from 2008). not only through books, which still dominates the e-book reader and iPad and IPhones apps, but also through its growing data storage and cloud computing services. Amazon is also expanding its music, video and electronic services output, which are traditionally the strengths of Apple and Google.

Sources: VisualEconomics.com  / Amazon Studios  /  Fayerwayer /  FastcompanyMovieweb / 
Despite the media success of viral video "Take Me Out" by Atomic Tom LIVE on NYC subway (seen in many TVs), and the campaign carried out by AngryBrids in recent days (including events through meet-up) appears that the classics never go out of style.

The Guardian Viral Video Chart has just published the 10 viral videos with more impact and I am glad to see that the TomTom GPS campaign took the 2 first positions. It is a great example of viral video campaign where the product is relevant, the script and production have a great quality,  all with cool smart humor.
Congratulations and have fun!!

1 Darth Vader recording for TomTom GPS

2 Yoda records for TomTom GPS

Sources: Guardian Viral Video Chart. Compiled by Unruly Media and edited by Jemima.
Viral Video Chart. Compiled from data gathered at 20:00 on 25 November 2010. The Weekly Viral Video Chart is currently based on a count of the embedded videos and links on approximately two million blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

A High-Tech Edge on Black Friday

Smartphone Apps Track the Latest Deals, What's in Stock; Reveal Your Location and Get a Coupon.
read all

Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704369304575632782055288828.html?mod=wsj_share_twitter#articleTabs%3Darticle

The Passenger. Have Fun!!

A one-man project created between 1998-2006. Find out how and why at: http://www.chrisj.com.au

OnInnovation: America Invents!

Join the imaginative, ingenious, restless and resourceful people who simply haven't settled for the status quo. People who have sought - and found - radically new ways to do things. People who have challenged the limits of what's possible, developed bold solutions to big problems, and transformed the world. Whether you know it or not, you're one of these people. We're betting that you, too, can change the world. And we're here to inspire you to do exactly that. OnInnovation : America Invents! - user submitted videos

The next 160 seconds will demostrate haw you can combine this inspiring content and powerful search features to bring innovation into your classroom, boardroom and living room.

Source: OnInnovation

Enter the virtual celebrity

Hatsune Miku appeared on the show is looked like a little girl round 16 years old, with green hairs and short dress. The character's developed by Crypton Future Media in 2007. She is the combination between real human-beeing voice and Advanced Vocaloid Software of Yamaha.

Source: Sentient Developments: Enter the virtual celebrity: "Some mild futureshock for you: Didn't William Gibson predict this?"

Exquisite Corpse and The Addams Family

While Tim Burton is preparing his new movie (I can´t wait to watch it), he propouse all of us to join Cadavre Exquis. This experiment storytelling runs November 22 - December 6, 2010. Tim Burton uses Twitter to create a collective story. Anyone can add Tweets as often as wants to the story in sequence, building on the last line revealed. The best Tweets of the day will be selected to build the story.  What are you waiting for? Send your tweet to #BurtonStory

Now If you leave me, I will do a mash up between Charles Addams and Tim Burton. This month Mental Floss magazine @mental_floss has an excellent article about the life and work of Charles Addams. The article entitled "Light Heart, Dark Humor. The Man Behind The Addams Family" written by Linda Rodriguez McRobbie describes him as "Cartoonist Charles Addams WAS Almost as bizarre as the characters I drew. His MOST famous creation, The Addams Family, has been reincarnated time and again during the past 70 years, coming back to life from the grave. Are morbid historical drawings? Sure. But They are also inmmortal." Honestly I think this description fits with Tim Burton.

After reading this great article, I started thinking about the similarities between these two creators...

Both of them have  exhibited at the MoMA. Both of them have a morbid sense of humor but Appropriate to the masses. Both are mass.media.stars each one with his own style. Charles Addams was illustrator that worked for the major NY advertising agencies and The NewYorker magazine in the golden age of american advertising, reflected in the successful TVserie Madmen. In the other hand Tim Burton and Pixar's John Lasseter were classmates at California Institute of the Arts. The California Institute of Arts was the epicenter of the earthquake that has shaken and reinventing the animation industry with a new kind of engineers and designers. At the end and despite everything; We are children of our time.

Therefore, there is probably no artist today who possesses the sensitivity and talent to bring us a version that will undoubtedly please the Charles Addams himself. Charles came to say that it was not a fan of his own TV series, since the family the evil half of what it should be.
Now we just need to wait for the film has finished and enjoy:)

Sources: MentalFloss Magazine, @mental_floss, @realadverblog, Wikipedia, BurtonStory, TheArtDepartment..among others :)
The Future Of Paywalls: Microtransactions, Buy-Ins, And Content Wars

UncrowdSourcing nº2

The purpose of this section is reliably collecting those sentences or paragraphs created by artists, writers, philosophers and innovators. Sometimes we read statements which have so much truth that should been highlighted and recognized, without adding a comma, without modify its essence and recognizing the uniqueness of each one of them. Make no mistake, I love the Crowdsourcing, but in a world where the idea of the original seems to dissolve in the Crowd. I want to reclaim with this concept the authenticity and beauty of the reflexions and thoughts of only one creator.

12 Nov 2010
"I have a horrible secret to admit: I routinely carry out acts of murder and barbarism for fun. I have beaten up old ladies, run over pedestrians while driving recklessly on the footpath, and killed a multitude of gangsters, cops, innocent civilians, and sequined jumpsuit-wearing Elvis impersonators. In acts of gross animal cruelty, I’ve exploded numerous lemmings. I have even
committed genocide, putting entire civilizations to the sword as I ravaged continents as a brutal militaristic tyrant. Worst of all is that though I presently find myself somewhat guilty and ashamed of my actions, at the time it was all great fun. There is no doubt that I laughed hysterically throughout many of my criminal and immoral adventures. I suspect that I am not alone in this concealed shame, and that readers will have similar guilty secrets about what they do in their spare time. Videogames, of course, are to blame for all these activities. Gaming has made me an immoral monster.">
Source: ”The Art of VideoGames by Grant Tavinor"

M&M’S: Find Red

M&M campaign called Find Red. Users can go to YouTube, Twitter, Foursquare and Facebook pages over the next few weeks to get tips that help them to find Red inside Google Street View.

UncrowdSourcing nº1

The purpose of this section is reliably collecting those sentences or paragraphs created by artists, writers, philosophers and innovators. Sometimes we read statements which have so much truth that should been highlighted and recognized, without adding a comma, without modify its essence and recognizing the uniqueness of each one of them. Make no mistake, I love the Crowdsourcing, but in a world where the idea of the original seems to dissolve in the Crowd. I want to reclaim with this concept the authenticity and beauty of the reflexions and thoughts of only one creator.

"All the articles, edits, and arguments about articles and edits of Wikipedia represent around 100 million hours of human labor. That’s a lot of time. But remember: Americans watch about 200 billion hours of TV every year." Source: ”Cognitive Surplus: The Great Spare-Time Revolution”

Google Music

Google quietly launched a new Google Labs feature in India called Indic Music, a search-and-play service that might gives us some clues into how Google Music could look.

More info: http://www.google.co.in/music

15 years of Cannes Lion winning briefs

Internet Advertising evolution

1995 – Make the TV ad into a CD-ROM
1999 – Make the TV ad into a website
2001 – Make the TV ad into a Flash website
2003 – Make the TV ad into a viral video
2004 -  Make the TV ad into a rich media banner
2005 – Make the TV ad into a Second Life venue
2007 – Make the TV ad into a Facebook page
2008 – Make the TV ad into a mobile app
2009 – Make the TV ad into an AR game
2010 – Make the TV ad into an iPad app

Originally posted here

What´s on your mind? Mental Spam?

Every time I sit in front of my Facebook, I read What´s on your mind? ...
Excuse me, What´s on my mind about what??  Is this communication or is just about ME2ME*?

Let me see...there is a new post in my wall. Oh my Goodness!!! Albert and Ellen are now friends? Who´s Ellen? Do I know her? Should I add her as friend? Am I not social?  Wait... I have a new post, It´s Peter and the is going to take his breakfast. Good for Him!!!  Later a friend ;) send me an on line promo about an Ageless Rejuvenating Serum for Mature Skins. I think to myself that she probably have to use it and wish very hard that facebook will have a big "I Hate this" button or even a smaller one with a cute and polite "Dislike".

Even I think to delete her from my friend list,  at the end I decide not to, because seems to be worst than a high school sweetharts break up. Well after all this... I really need a coffe. Should I post it?  I decide to take "no-social café au lait" (not post on my friends walls)  and start to think that the FBML developer capable to create an application, that let us express our real opinion in Facebook,  will be the creator of the next "social killer application". Meanwhile if you're Firefox user you can add this plug-in. If you are a Chrme, Safari, Opera or Explorer become fan of this Facebook page. Sorry I'm rambling...

It's kinda odd just to sit and think about my virtual social life. It seems I just want to take a break. relax and reconnect with my neighbours, work colleges, family and friends... So I decide to kill my virtual ME2ME.

Someone told me this week about a web page called http://suicidemachine.org/, where the process is easy, fast, painless, non returnable ecofriendly. That´s what I need! I wouldn´t like see my profile return as a Zombi 28 Days Later (That´s scares me too bad).

So, I´ve made the hardest decision of my virtual life. While I type the url I think "Yes, I'm going to do it right now. No regrets, no fear"... Here I am ... "Welcome to the Virtual Suicide." It´s like my friend told me, simple and user friendly with some testimonials from happy and satisfied users.

This is what I need, nothing to do with the seppukoo process that aims to leave an eternal trace after your pass away. What I need is a simple GAME OVER. My hands tremble as I select my social networks and click commit to sign out forever.

Suddenly a pop up appears in the middle of my browser with the next message:
"It seems like that our machine is currently busy! We know that this is very annoying and we hope that soon there are more suicidemachine-servers available in the Internet! At the moment approx. only 10% of 2.0 suicides succeed in getting a free slot due to limitations of the suicidemachine which can execute only a very limited amount of suicides at the same time and some accounts need a couple of hours to get totally unfriended, untwittered, etc..! Please consider suicide at a later moment and accept our apologies!"

I fell like Gravity support-group honor member.

While I am looking stunned my browser, the iphone vibrate. I have a new facebook message from a high school old-friend :) That´s cool!! if I can reconnect with my old fellow It´s seems that everthing else is worth enought. I feel like a want to be live again. And...Uhhh, He still likes coke!!

He doesn´t know but he just save my virtual life.
There are hundreds of bloggers (most of them teenagers) whom are being attacked for collect books descriptions of their favourites books and share the direct downloads links. Most of this bloggers don´t have any interest in making money, It´s all about sharing.

The main fact is Editorials must to find out a proper solution. It´s very difficult to understand the reason why a digital book cost as much as a print one. Of course, the editorials and authors must to earn money, but the editorials risks are lower right now because the cost to print a book is the most significant factor in determining the profitability of a publishing venture, It is necessary to rethink the bussines model. If you realize that the most important costs in the entire publisihing process are the printing, distribution and publicity pricing and the three of them change dramatically down. There is only one answer, It´s time to rethink the bussines model, because old rules doesn´t work in the new times.

This is an extract that all of you can find in the Preface to the Electronic Release of *The Hacker Crackdown*" wrote by Bruce Sterling in 1992. I bring it from the past because It is really clear about what´s going on nowadays.

"The critics were very kind to *The Hacker Crackdown,* and commercially the book has done
well.  On the other hand, I didn't write this book in order to squeeze every last nickel and dime out of the mitts of impoverished sixteen-year-old cyberpunk high-school-students.  Teenagers don't have any money -- (no, not even enough for the  six-dollar *Hacker Crackdown* paperback, with its attractive bright-red cover and useful index).   That's a major reason why teenagers sometimes succumb to the temptation to do things they shouldn't, such as swiping my books out of libraries.   Kids:  this one is all yours, all right?  Go give the print version back.*8-)

     Well-meaning, public-spirited civil libertarians don't have much money, either.   And it seems almost criminal to snatch cash out of the hands of America's direly underpaid electronic law enforcement community.

     If you're a computer cop, a hacker, or an electronic civil liberties activist, you are the target audience for this book.  I wrote this book because I wanted to help you, and help other people understand you and your unique, uhm, problems.  I wrote this book to aid your activities, and to contribute to the public discussion of important political issues.  In giving the text away in this fashion, I am directly contributing to the book's ultimate aim:  to help civilize cyberspace.

     Information *wants* to be free.  And  the information inside this book longs for freedom with a peculiar intensity.  I genuinely believe that the natural habitat of this book is inside an electronic network.  That may not be the easiest direct method to generate revenue for the book's author, but that doesn't matter; this is where this book belongs by its nature.  I've written other books -- plenty of other books -- and I'll write more and I am writing more, but this one is special.  I am making *The Hacker Crackdown* available electronically as widely as I can conveniently manage, and if you like the book,and think it is useful, then I urge you to do the same with it."
By Bruce Sterling.
Full Source: http://www.well.com/gopher/Publications/authors/Sterling/hc/cracker1.txt

Thought Sparks

Is apple keeping the same vision?
Watch 1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial and think different

Canadian Cell Foundation


Power of print

Con la lección aprendida de la industria musical

Recientemente y a propósito del lanzamiento del Ipad en españa, ha revitalizado mi interés por las revisas digitales.

Bueno...mi interés siempre ha sido elevado, sin embargo la inexistencia de un dispositivo portable que garantizase la correcta visualización (mi ebook esta genial para leer libros). Todos aquellos que peregrinamos a los en búsqueda de diferente tipo de revistas las cuales no es habitual encontrar en cualquier lugar, (Wired, Nature, Science, Make, etc...) y valoramos el estilo y maquetación de las mismas (hasta su publicidad es interesante!!!), estamos de suerte, porque va a ser posible y porque además los editores están innovando y reaccionado apostando por el valor que saben que poseen.

Los 5 editores líderes de revistas se han unido bajo el claim "The Power of Print" lanzado una campaña multimillonaria utilizando como soporte las propias revistas. Se espera que durante este año aparecerán 1.400 anuncios de esta campaña en las principales revistas a nivel mundial.

Internet for Pace
