Fire in the Set ;) Amazon Presents Amazon Studios

On 16 November. Amazon introduces Amazon Studios.

Amazon Studios has been created with the philosophy that ... "Movies Have Been Developed pretty much the same way Since talkies Were Considered cutting-edge. But here at Amazon Studios, we believe 21st-century technology Creates Opportunities to make and share movies and scripts Easily more than ever. "
The mere declaration of principles re-opens the gap and intensifies the "not televised revolution" that this is occurring among the most innovative companies in the world. Because Amazon Studio will award with 2.7 million dollars in prizes spread over in differents annual contest for the best scripts and movies. Also all the works will be shared with a global community of filmmakers and fans and get your movie made. The goal of Amazon Studios is to work with Hollywood to turn the best projects into major feature films.

The Chancellor of the Internet, who in 1995 sold his first book - Fluid Concepts and creative analogies - and Now is currently in the midst of discussion with the publisher Penguin based in the need to lower the price of books. Amazon the company that is Currently Offering free web browsing over 3G in 100 Countries in his Kindle book-reading device.  Amazon shows daily the wisdom and mastery of 15 years of permanent transformation adapted to the evolution of the Web.

Jeff Bezos currently leading a company of 24,300 employees with revenue estimated $24 billion in revenue last year (up 26% from 2008). not only through books, which still dominates the e-book reader and iPad and IPhones apps, but also through its growing data storage and cloud computing services. Amazon is also expanding its music, video and electronic services output, which are traditionally the strengths of Apple and Google.

Sources:  / Amazon Studios  /  Fayerwayer /  FastcompanyMovieweb / 

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